Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration

Displaying 111-120 of 1602

Blamey, Marjorie

Artwork by Blamey, Marjorie
Bee orchid, Ophrys apifera; Wild strawberry, Fragaria vesca; Oxlip, Primula elatior          1990   
Watercolor      26.5 × 18 cm.
Lent by the artist
International: 9th (1998)
Country of Residence: England

Blaxill, Susannah

Artwork by Blaxill, Susannah
Pears  1991
Watercolor     42.5 × 34.5 cm.
Lent by Jessica Tcherepnine
International: 7th (1992)
Country of Residence: Australia

Blos, Maybelle

International: 1st (1964)
Country of Residence: United States

Blos, Maybelle

International: 4th (1977)
Country of Residence: United States

Blunt, Wilfrid

Artwork by Blunt, Wilfrid
Galanthus nivalis, Snowdrop         1948
Watercolor and bodycolor  26.5 × 22.5 cm.
Lent by Jenny Brasier
International: 6th (1988)
Country of Residence: England

Bodley, Elise

Artwork by Bodley, Elise
Orothamnus zeyheri 1983
Watercolor     47.5 × 35.2 cm.
Hunt Institute collection, gift from the artist
International: 6th (1988)
Country of Residence: South Africa

Bødtker, Miranda

International: 3rd (1972)
Country of Residence: Norway

Bolas, Valerie

Artwork by Bolas, Valerie
Paphiopedilum insigne     2000
Watercolor     38 × 28.5 cm
Hunt Institute collection
International: 10th (2001)
Country of Residence: England

Bolingbroke, Richard

Artwork by Bolingbroke, Richard
Lilies of the field       1991
Serigraph       57 × 76 cm.
Hunt Institute collection
International: 7th (1992)
Country of Residence: United States

Bonzo, Renata

Artwork by Bonzo, Renata
Acer campestre     2001
Watercolor     42 × 36 cm
Hunt Institute collection
International: 11th (2004)
Country of Residence: Italy
Displaying 111-120 of 1602