Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration

Displaying 1591-1600 of 1602

Zewald, Henrike Gerardi Dorothea

International: 4th (1977)
Country of Residence: Indonesia

Zhang Chun-fang

Artwork by Zhang Chun-fang
Pseudotsuga sinensis Dode     1984   
Watercolor      21.5 × 16 cm  
Lent by the artist
International: 8th (1995)
Country of Residence: China

Zhang Da-cheng

Artwork by Zhang Da-cheng
Blepharostoma trichophyllum (L.) Dum.
Pen-and-ink    28.5 × 21 cm
Hunt Institute collection
International: 8th (1995)
Country of Residence: China

Zhang Da-cheng

Artwork by Zhang Da-cheng
Lethariella cladonioides (Nyl.) Krog.
Pen-and-ink    23.5 × 20.5 cm
Hunt Institute collection
International: 8th (1995)
Country of Residence: China

Zhang, Tai-li

Artwork by Zhang, Tai-li
Ginkgo biloba L.
Watercolor     42.6 × 28.7 cm.
Lent by the Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China
International: 6th (1988)
Country of Residence: China

Zhilichkin, Petr Alexeevich

Artwork by Zhilichkin, Petr Alexeevich
1. Cephalanhera longibracteata, 2. Dactylorhiza triphylla         1987
Watercolor     35.8 × 22 cm.
Lent by V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad
International: 6th (1988)
Country of Residence: Russia

Zhilichkin, Petr Alexeevich

Artwork by Zhilichkin, Petr Alexeevich
1.  Steveniella satyrioides, 2. Cypripedium macranthon, 3. Calypso bulbosa           1987
Watercolor     35.8 × 22 cm.
Lent by V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad
International: 6th (1988)
Country of Residence: Russia

Ziemann, Richard Claude

Artwork by Ziemann, Richard Claude
Grasses         1956
Engraving      31 × 32 cm.
Hunt Institute collection
International: 7th (1992)
Country of Residence: United States

Zocchio, Carmen Sylvia Palma

International: 4th (1977)
Country of Residence: Brazil

Zocchio, Carmen Sylvia Palma

International: 3rd (1972)
Country of Residence: Brazil
Displaying 1591-1600 of 1602