Zang Mu

Fig. 1. Boletus citrifragrans CHIU et ZANG (A. Basidiocarps. B. Basidiospores). Boletus magasporus ZANG (C. Basidiocarps. D. Basidiospores). Boletus brevitubus ZANG (E. Basidiocarps. F. Basidiospores). Boletus rufo-aureus MASS (G. Basidiocarps. H. Basidiospores). Boletus speciosus FROST (I. Basidiocarps. J. Basidiospores). Boletus umbriniporus HONGO (K. Basidiocarps. L. Basidiospores). Boletus edulis FRIES (M. Basidiocarps. N. Basidiospores). Boletus violaceofuscus CHIU (P. Basidiocarps. Q. Basidiospores).      
Pen-and-ink    28.5 × 21 cm.
Hunt Institute collection, gift from the artist
International: 9th (1998)
Country of Residence: China
Artist Biographical Record: View Biographical Record
Notes: Two artworks by this artist were displayed in the 9th International. The link to the second artwork in this Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration is here
Biographical information accurate to the year of International exhibition (1998)